स्काउट पैट्रोल

Scout Patrols

Each Scout Troop consists of two or more Patrols of six to eight boys. The main object of the Patrol system is to give real responsibility to as many boys as possible. It heads each boy to see that he has some individual responsibility for the good of his patrol. It leads patrol to see that it has definite responsibility for the good of the troop. Through the patrol system the scouts learn that they have considerable say in what their troop does.

The Patrol leader

 Each patrol chooses a boy as leader. He is called the patrol leader. The scoutmaster expects a great deal from the patrol.
A word to patrol leaders in want you, patrol leaders to go on and train your patrol entirely yourselves, because it is possible for you to get hold of each boy in your patrol and make a good fellow of him, it is no use having one or two brilliant boys and the rest no good at all. You should  to make them all fairly good. The important step to this is your own example, because what you do yourselves, your scouts will do also. Show them you can obey orders whether they are given by word of mouth or are printed or written rules, and that you carry them out whether your scoutmaster is present or not, show them that you can earn Badges for Proficiency, and your boys will follow with very little persuation. But remember that you must give them the lead and not the push leader and leaves him a free hand in carrying out the work in the patrol. The patrol leader selects another boy to be second in command. This boy is called second (or Assistant patrol leader). The patrol leader is respondible for the efficiency and smartness of his patrol. The scouts in his patrol obey his orders; not from fear punishment, as is often the case in military discipline, but because they are a team playing together and backing up their leader, for the, honour and success of patrol. And the patrol leader, in training and leading his patrol has to lead it, that is, he must be at least as good as any of his scouts at the different jobs they have to do. He must never ask a fellow to do anything he would not do himself. And he must never be “down” on anyone but must get the enthusiasm and willing work of everyone by cheerily encouraging their efforts.
            In every line of life young men are wanted who can be trusted to take responsibility and leadership. So the patrol leader who has made a success with his patrol has every chance of making a success of his life when he goes out into the world. Most of your work in the patrol consists in playing scouting games and practices by which you gain experience as scout.

The Patrol Leader Council

                                 The patrol leaders Council and Court of Honour is an important part of the Patrol System. It is a standing committee which settles the affairs of the Troop. A Court of Honour is formed of the Scoutmaster and the patrol leaders or, in the case of a small Troop, of the Patrol leaders and Sconds. In many courts the Scoutmaster attends the meeting but does not vote. Patrol leaders in a Court of Honour have in many cases carried on the Troop in the absence of the Scoutmaster.
            The Court of Honour decides programmes of work, camps rewards and other question affecting Troop management. The members of the Court are pledged to screcy. Only those decisions which affect the whole Troop, that is competitions, appointments, and so on, would be made public.
Letter hidden three paces from here in the direction of the arrow.
 This path not be followed.
 “I have gone home.” (Signed) “ Patrol leader of the Ravens,
 “This is the way.”
 “Turn to the right.”
 Road to be followed.

When a Scout makes signs on the ground for others to read he also draws the head of the Patrol animal. Thus if he wants to show that a certain road should not be followed he draws a sign across it that means “Not to be gollowed,” and adds the head of his Patrol animal to show which Patrol discovered that road was no goods, and his own number show which Scout discovered it, thus: At night sticks with a wisp of grass round them or of stones should be laid on the road in similar forms so that they can be felt with the hand.

स्काउट पैट्रोल स्काउट पैट्रोल Reviewed by Harshit on March 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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